Thursday, March 5, 2009

important question!

Okay not really, lol.
Since the roads are extremely hazardous today, and my appointment isn't until 4:00 pm, I am wasting time.
This topic comes up from time to time. Which way do you hang your TP roll?
Mine is always from the top, because I feel you have more control this way. Whenever someone does it the other way, I always find the end trailing down onto the floor.
So, which way do you like it?


  1. Would you please remind Sammi of the topic at hand?

    I am so fanatical about the paper being as you have pictured that if it is not hung that way I will change it....even if it is someone else's house.

  2. I do the same thing, it's annoying when its hung the other way.

  3. Kona - good man.
    Sammi - yes!
    yack - she could mean both :)
    I will change it at someone else's house too, lol.

  4. Me too, Sioux! Actually, it's annoying me that the roll isn't perfectly round.

  5. It should always be over and not under!! And the corner should always be folded just a bit... easier that way in the middle of the night when I don't turn on the light ;)

  6. as pictured! the other way, I feel it is rubbing against the wall... which it does no matter what way you hang it, but it just seems more obvious...

    did that make sense?

  7. As above. top. Of course. Logical. Maggs

  8. I concur with your set-up. Only way to live really.

  9. they had an ENTIRE episode of oprah devoted to this topic one time. i could not believe it. but the correct answer is from the top. everyone knows that.

  10. I am constantly amazed that this continues to be a topic of discussion. It doesn't matter to me.

  11. If it's on the top, just a swipe down at the roll will spin some paper out.

  12. Definitely on question.

  13. Hmm... I guess the correct answer is the top but I prefer the bottom. However I never put it on consciously from the top or the bottom. hmm

  14. From the bottom myself as that is where it is going!

  15. From the top of course! What possible advantage can there be for hanging from the bottom?

  16. You asked how I hang myself ... *snicker* ...
    I usually hang it sheet going over but if I feel lazy it doesn't matter to me as long as it's on the hanger.

  17. I just stand mine up on it's end, I am holder-less at the moment.

  18. From the top. It didn't used to matter to me, but recently I've become more opinionated on this. Not sure why...

  19. top because it's easier to start a new roll that way... and i scrunch to get a start on the next question :-D

  20. I've never noticed - I shall check which way it is this weekend

  21. I think I read somewhere that people who prefer it under are under-achievers vs over-achievers wanting it over....

  22. Yack - I haven't heard that but I should try to look it up.

    Wearing Mascara - thanks for your visit! Just before your comment I realized that the way I'd written it made it seem like the only right answer, lol. That must be the control freak part of my personality.

    uamada - scrunch! I think I must be half and half on that. Sometimes I fold if I'm bored.

    Groover - my kids do that, even though we have a holder. Very annoying!

  23. Hmmmm....never have given it much thought.

    I guess I am lucky if I even have toilet paper in the


  24. First, I am amazed at the number of comments this post received. But hey, I'm here. This is a matter or fuction or estetics. Works better off the top, you can hide the free end the other way, it looks neater

  25. Here in Nebraska we only have corn cobs.

    On those occasions when I lived elsewhere, top was tops. This is a blood pressure issue for me (or, used to be before I moved here) and is the reason I am on BP medication. It DOES NOT tear properly when rolled from the bottom, and there's nothing worse than a jagged piece of TP...from the bottom, on the bottom.

  26. Top! I can't stand it the other way for some reason.

  27. If there were any in the bathroom I would prefer it to be on top. So much in fact that I would flip it around if someone put it the other way.

    But mostly I would just prefer that there was TP in my bathroom, no matter which direction ;o)
