Friday, January 2, 2009

Jamie's old friend

I found this picture of Jamie's old friend Emily and thought I'd post it because it's funny. One night in 2004 while I was away (working? dancing?) Jamie had some of her friends over to the house, where they drank copious amounts of vodka and passed out.

They took advantage and make devil horns on Emily, lol.

I haven't seen this girl for years, but I always really liked her. She was a tiny little lesbian girl from a very religious family, and it must have killed them that she dressed (and acted) like a fourteen year old boy. I always thought that she was more transgender than gay, though. She used to love a challenge and tried to get every one of Jamie's friends into bed, and it didn't matter whether they were gay or not.

Last I heard, she'd moved south with a girlfriend, and never finished high school. I really hope that she finds her way into college because she was so smart, it's just too bad that her home life made that impossible.


  1. That is a funny photo, her friends were nice compared to some of the things people do to others that pass out. LOL.

  2. Cool horns!

    I actually thought that was a boy at first, I think you're on to something with the trans gender theory.

  3. The world would be a better place if everyone just accepted others as they really are instead of trying to change them.

  4. ROFL, love the pic. The girl sounds like a piece of work, I'f like her too. :)

  5. Hehehe... that's too funny. I remember putting ketchup on one who passed out at a party one time. Hehehehehe


  6. Heheee, that's way funny! Poor kid,lol!

  7. Bless her heart. Guess she was "horny" with all those gals around, lol.
