Tuesday, April 28, 2009

post a don't

I recently joined Glamour.com and have been perusing the site over the last few days. One feature that I love is that readers can upload pics of don'ts! Some of them are just outrageous!

I am off to pick up Jamie, who is at her Nanny gig this afternoon. She wants to help me shop for the food bank, and she's good at it.

Have a good one.


  1. I loooove the Dontspotting area! I remember sitting there for what seemed like all night, going through every single picture...
    Signed up for the Body by Glamour plan too. But ummm... I fell off the wagon... :)

  2. Aww sneakers and dress socks suck but I don't have a pic.

  3. I often beg my spouse NOT to wear socks with his sandals . . . he keeps arguing: "Why???" (and wears them anyway). Good thing our marriage is not built on something superficial like public appearances.

    LOL. Let the world laugh WITH us (and not at us).

  4. So that is a don't?

    And SunTiger, if they can laugh with you, at least let them be laughing at him.

  5. I remember standing in line a couple months ago and there were two college-aged girls behind me. As one of them noticed an older guy walking nearby she exclaimed: Ewwww....socks with Crocs!

  6. What a funny site, unfortunately there is a shopping centre somewhat near my area where this sort of thing is a common occurence. Scary sights, and of course major 'what were they thinking' moments are common.

  7. Sorry, I wear socks with my sandals all the time. I love it too! Raspberries to the fashion police. ;-P

  8. i love the dont's too!!! i flip there first in the mag!

  9. Definitely would call sandals with socks a HUGE don't!

  10. flip flops and socks...ewww.... Might join up myself. LOL.

  11. My goodness......someone admits to socks with sandels....

  12. Ha! Socks with sandals - it's a very Dutch look actually. Ewwww.

  13. I have a pair of jeans with one knee ripped from seam to seam. I wear them when I'm doing the laundry, but until I get them stitched I won't wear them on the street.

    As far as I'm concerned, sandals are a don't.
    End of story.

  14. Can I tell you, I am standing here in Adidas slides and socks...I'm such a don't:)

  15. I love to wear those short 1980's OP cord shorts commando. Then I go to the mall and bend over to tie my shoes and my balls hang out. Big fun!

  16. YIKES! I should start taking pictures around here (at work). Lot's of don't's to report:)

  17. Gasp! Socks with flipflops. That rates right up there with neon.

  18. Beer bellied German men with not only socks in sandals, but also going to the store wearing un-flattering shorts AND an undershirt instead of a t-shirt! aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh in summer I see that all the time here. aaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh

  19. Ugh! Plumbers showing too much crack!

  20. Funny idea! Great picture. Made me laugh.

  21. Are those socks designed for sandals? Or do they just have a toe wedgie? That looks pretty damn freaky.

  22. I dunno what's going on with those socks! My daughter has several pairs of individual toe socks, but none like that, lol.

  23. We can all agree though that if it's too cold to go without socks, it's too cold for flipflops, right? I mean, is this something on which we can all, regardless of nationality, reach consensus? And perhaps even agree is an acceptable use of the death penalty (obviously Germans will disagree, but maybe this is a way for them to cease and desist both wearing socks with sandals, and mixing stripes and plaids).

  24. I totally broke the rule the other day by wearing socks with hiker sandals and blue jeans. In my own defense, I was going to a 9:30 movie and we were late. As far as I know, no one saw me.

    Steve - the death penalty seems a little harsh, LOL. Maybe a fashion citation and a fine?!

  25. Good Gosh, That flip flop sock combo is horrid.
